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Fields of Concentration

International economics

Empirical studies of trade

Macroeconomic impact of public and private debt

Selected Publications

Trade Misreporting: Evidence from Pakistani Importers,” with Bilal M. Khan and Karrar Hussain, The World Economy, 2023.

"Asymmetric Effects of Private Debt on Income Growth," with Muhammad Farid Ahmed, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2022.

On-the-match price renegotiation: Evidence from Pakistan’s import data,” with Bilal M. Khan and Karrar Hussain, Economics Letters, 2021, Vol. 202.
En route to the world: understanding firms that solely export,” with Karrar Hussain, Economics Bulletin, 2020, Vol. 40(4).
The long-term consequences of external debt: Revisiting the evidence and inspecting the mechanism using panel VARs,” with Irfan Qureshi, Journal of Macroeconomics, March 2020, Vol. 63.

Providing a Safe Working Environment: Do Firm Ownership and Exporting Status Matter?” Asian Development Review, September 2019.

Does government debt crowd out capital formation? A dynamic approach using panel VAR,” Economics Letters, May 2019, Vol. 178, pp. 86-90.

Differing Impact of Liberalization: The Case of Vertically Integrated Clothing Firms,” The Pakistan Development Review, 2018, Vol. 57 No.3, pp. 283–306

“Understanding Canada’s International Trade under the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Lessons from Gravity Redux,” Canadian Public Policy, 2017, Vol. 43 No.3, pp. 284-297.

“When Do Firms Choose to Train? The Roles of Labor Regulations, Their Enforcement, and Firm and Industry Characteristics,” with Jeffrey B. Nugent, The Journal of Development Studies, 2016, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp. 224-241.

“Under-provision of Private Training by MENA Firms: What to do about it?” with Jeffrey B. Nugent, IZA Journal of Labor and Development, 2015, Vol. 4 No. 12.

“The End of Multi-Fibre Arrangement and Firm Performance in the Textile Industry: New Evidence,” The Pakistan Development Review, 2014, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp. 97-126.


Work in Progress

“Keeping the enemies closer: Exporting behavior of firms under conflict,” with Karrar Hussain.

"Firm-to-firm networks and sourcing strategy of importers," with Bilal M. Khan & Karrar Hussain.

"An investigation of debt-investment nexus using PVARs," with Muhammad Farid Ahmad & Irfan Qureshi.


Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

Crafting a Competitive Advantage for Pakistani Exporters, MHRC Pakistan Dialogues, 2024.

Why COVID-19 is an inequality virus, Policy Options, 2021.

Learning from the 2017 softwood lumber dispute, Policy Options, 2018.

TPP 2.0 a complex solution for challenging times, Policy Options, 2017.

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